Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simple Meatloaf

I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday. . .

No wait.

So, meatloaf can be as simple or as complicated as you'd like it to be. Some people throw in oats or onions, some people shove carrots in there, and really you can do whatever you want with it. Except this.

Never that.

Anyway, the following is a kid-friendly recipe that I have been making since age 9. It is simple, unpretentious, and has no chunks of anything scary in it. Basically, it is ideal for a picky 9 year old.

(My daughter won't eat it, but she won't eat anything.)

This is the sort of meatloaf you put ketchup on, and not the gravy sort. I don't want to mislead you.

1. Turn on the oven to 375.

2. In a large bowl mix 1lb of ground meat, 1 egg, 1 small can of tomato paste, 1/2 cup of Italian breadcrumbs, a little bit of salt, and a little bit of onion salt. Mix it up with your hands, until it is good and squishy.

3. Form a loaf shape with the meat and, for goodness sake, put it in a loaf pan.

4. You can squeeze a little ketchup on the top like Sandra Lee. Just make sure you use a goddamn loaf pan.

5. Cook it for about an hour.

If you want, you can throw some yellow cheese on top of the thing, and throw it back in the oven to melt for a few minutes. Use American cheese if you want. It isn't dinner party food; this is more like "I want to drown my sorrows in meat" food.

And meat makes things better.

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