Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Roast Chicken (Farm Style)

I thought I give a simple recipe for chicken where you didn't have to butcher and brown it first.

I don't know why you wouldn't want to do these things, but some people are weird.

This recipe is easy in terms of ingredients, but needs a dutch oven to work properly.

In fact, I think that this recipe might only require THREE ingredients. Four, if you count water.

You won't get a crispy skin, which is sad.

1. Buy a chicken. You'll want a roaster. Nothing major. A four pound bird.

2. Preheat the oven to 375.

3. Remove the giblets and rinse the bird.

4. Place the bird in a dutch oven, breast side up.

5. Add 3/4 cups water and 3 tablespoons butter into the dutch oven.

6. Lay five strips of bacon over the top of the bird, perpendicular to its line of symmetry.

7. Put the top on the dutch oven.

8. Put the dutch oven in the proper oven.

9. Leave it in there for 75 minutes. (Some recipes call for constant basting. I don't have a baster, so in order to keep the bird from drying out I leave the top on the dutch oven. Its easier.)

10. Take the bird out and put it on a plate for slicing. (Eat the bacon or share it with the dog.)

11. Pour some of the fat out of the juices. (It should be floating on top.)

12. Add 1 cup of water to the oven juices.

13. Place that on the stove on high.

14. Boil and reduce the volume to half.

15. Hey, you've got gravy!

I suppose I should add a recipe for biscuits. . .

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